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Crow Wing County Monthly Market Report

October ended on the cold side, but the housing market in Crow Wing County was heating up. Average home sale prices are on the rise averaging $233,519, up 3.8 percent over last year. Sellers are also receiving more of their original asking price which was 90.1 percent for the month of October.

There continues to be a shortage of new homes on the market with the months supply of homes coming in at 9.3. There were 96 pending sales and 116 closed sales in October which is down from this same period of time last year. The number of new listings rose by 18.6 percent for a total of 134 listings. The total number of homes for sale was 926, down 10.6 percent over last year.

The decrease in inventory homes is resulting in bidding wars on some properties. If you are contemplating selling your home now is the time to do so.

If you are looking to buy or sell a home in Crow Wing County this fall, contact me, Bill Grunewald. My team and I enjoy helping folks like you find just the right spot to live your northern Minnesota Lake Country dream.

Bill Grunewald/ Edina Realty.

Licensed in Minnesota/ Lic # 20204156